Monday, August 29, 2011

Weekly Prayer: Squeezed

Opening Prayer:

Loving Lord Jesus, when we are squeezed like oranges by the pressures of living, fill us so full of grace that your love is what pours out into this thirsty world.  Speak to us now, we're listening.

Isaiah 8: 11-22 and 9: 1-7


I can hear some of you saying, "Say what?"  You've been plopped down into the middle of a much larger story.  The Assyrians, rising world power of that time, were ready to sweep over the nation of Israel.  God's people were being squeezed.  War was imminent.  Loss of self-government, of homes, of lives, of everything familiar to them was imminent.  How would God's people respond?

Many were running to worship other gods of the time in hopes that they would be saved.  Some wanted to cut a deal with the Assyrians to save their own skin.  Some sank into worry, fear, and despair.  Others consulted mediums.  I love what God says about this,"Should not a people inquire of their God?  Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?" 

God's message to Isaiah and to his faithful disciples was this, "Do not call conspiracy what these people call conspiracy, and do not fear what they fear.  But the Lord of hosts, him you shall regard as holy."  In other words, God is greater than all angelic/demonic armies, let alone earthly ones.  He alone is to be praised and feared, worshipped and trusted.  And he will become "a sanctuary." 

We are squeezed by many things in this fast-paced age of rapid technological revolution.  Our expectations about how much more we can do in so much less time constantly squeeze us.  The competition of world markets and constant changes in technology press us to keep up so our businesses can stay productive.  Our mobility strains and stretches essential relationships.  And the massive bombardment of entertainment and advertising options threatens to distract us from what is essential to good living.  Like the lime I squeezed over my chicken tacos last night, what is inside of us will pour out when we are pressed.  Jesus said, "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45)."

So what is inside of us?  When we are squeezed, will a determined, faith and trust in God pour out?  Will doubt, fear, and a consultation with false gods or the dead drizzle down?  Like Isaiah, God invites us to trust him, to "regard him alone as holy."  Yes, we may feel afraid, struggle with doubt, and wonder if there is an easier way through, but God wants to know if we will choose to trust him with our lives in spite of our feelings.

Life Question:

1.  When I'm being squeezed this week, what will pour out of me?

Closing Prayer:

Give us great faith in you when we feel like we are hanging over the edge of the cliff.  Remind us you are Jesus, who conquered fear, hell, evil, and death and that nothing, NOTHING, can separate us from your love.  In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen!

Weekly Prayer


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