Opening Prayer:
Today, right now, remind us, great God of every star and planet, of every living thing that we are not alone. You are calling us closer to you this moment. We need your strength and wisdom to live well, and we need your love to transform us! We're listening...please give us Your Word.
Psalm 40
I've heard the saying "good things come to those who wait but not to those who hesitate." I don't know who said it but it speaks the truth that there is a time to wait and pray, and there is a time to act on what God has already revealed without hesitation.
David's prayer mentions his patient waiting upon God to respond to his prayers. It makes me wonder how long he had to wait. Knowing that in many other Psalms David is found almost to be screaming and crying to God saying, "How long must I wait? Have you left me here to suffer and die," I wonder how patient is his idea of patient?
How patient are we in waiting for God to respond to our requests in prayer? Sometimes God tests us to see how much we trust him by seeing how long we will wait. Abraham was told by God's angel to take his only son, Isaac, the one he waited until he was 90 to have, and sacrifice him. So Abraham walked a few days to the site where the sacrifice was to be held. Imagine Abraham praying with each footstep that God would tell him not to do it. Imagine Abraham and Isaac reaching the top of the mountain with no word from God. Imagine Abraham tying Isaac up to the altar and there being no word from God! Imagine Abraham praying through sweat, anxiety, and tears; Abraham lifting the knife and then...God saying, "Stop!" God never wanted Isaac dead. He only wanted to see how much Abraham trusted God.
Jesus must know we have trouble patiently waiting on God in prayer. He told many stories about praying persistently. One of my favorites is of a man who was in bed asleep with his whole family (in those days the whole family slept in the same bed...can you imagine?) when his friend knocked on the door during the night asking for bread to share with a visitor who came to see him. Jesus says that the man in the bed didn't come to the door because he was his friend but because of his persistent knocking! In other words, the man at the door annoyed his friend into action! Now that's a funny image of prayer!
Part of following Jesus is learning to keep knocking on God's door, trusting God to answer out of the love He has for us. We may not understand God's time or God's ways, but, in the end we believe, like David that God will "incline to me and hear my cry." God will literally stretch way out to offer us what we need.
Life Question:
1. What are we praying about that demands patient persistence from us?
2. Where do we struggle with doubt that God will provide what we need or what others need?
3. Let us pray the prayer of the father of the demon possessed man in Mark 9, "Lord I believe! Help
my unbelief!"
Closing Prayer:
Lord Jesus Christ, give us the persistent, powerful faith that moves mountains, the kind you showed as you mounted the cross for our salvation! Help us trust in your unfailing love for us and in your tender care. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.
Daily Prayer:
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