Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Small Faith, Big God

This is a time of disillusionment.  The American dream is crumbling around the edges and cracked in the middle.  The life we thought we would have is not the one we’re living.  Who has the power and authority to bring us new life?


God of endless love and mercy, help us find our way!  Jesus, you grab our face in your hands, look us in the eyes and say, “Trust me.  I alone have the power to bring salvation.”  We are weak and doubtful, give us faith in your power and your Kingdom.  In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, amen.

Matthew 8


“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1).” 

Each of the short story “clips” in this chapter raise a question for us:  “Do I have faith in the power of Jesus to change my life?” Some in the stories believed in Jesus’ power more than others. 

The man with leprosy sought Jesus out and kneeled before him believing that if Jesus only willed his healing, it would happen.  He did not doubt Jesus could do it.  He had faith in Jesus’ power to heal him.  When Jesus commanded, all heaven and earth moved to fulfill that command.

The Centurion, an important man who gave leadership to many soldiers, came to Jesus with faith that Jesus’ power could act by “remote control!”  He believed Jesus didn’t even need to be physically present to heal his servant!  He believed that Jesus’ power was accessible anywhere on earth or in heaven! 

The demons even acknowledged the power of Jesus and trusted that his command could make them move. 

And then there were the disciples, panicking over the wind storm they were enduring on the sea of Galilee in their boat while Jesus slept.  It’s ironic how outsiders and  people who didn’t grow up in church seemed to have more faith in Jesus’ power to bring new life than his close followers and future leaders.  It’s not that the disciples had no faith at all, it was simply insufficient, not large enough to see the blue sky and flat seas of the day after the storm.

What disease, death, or storms are we facing that invite us to have faith in Jesus to bring new life through?  The economy?  Splintering relationships? Cancer?  Death?  I’ll be the first to admit that it can be hard to have faith in the face of such difficulties.  Thank God Jesus rebuked the wind and the waves even though the disciple’s faith was too small!


Lord, help us in our unbelief!  Give us greater faith in you, our loving God who rose from the dead, unconquered.  Come, Lord Jesus, bring your Kingdom to full flower!


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