Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Weekly Prayer: No Panic

Opening Prayer:

God of power, love, and grace, we are worried about many things, the economy, our jobs, being able to provide for our children, our health, the state of world affairs.  Remind us that you are our salvation, not our efforts, not our politicians, not our technology.  Though each of those is important, without you, we cannot find salvation!  Speak to our hearts that we may find strength, peace, and love to share.  In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Psalm 62


What I find amazing about this Psalm is that it is apparently written while David and his people are being battered by enemy forces in battle.  How do you "wait in silence" while you are in a fight for your lives and the lives of those you love?  This is either stupidity or amazing trust in the power and care of God!  Though there is upheaval and chaos all around, David is not panicking or caving into fear.  He is silent and resting.  "For God alone my soul waits in silence...On God rests my deliverance."  Though David surely understands his royal role as leader of the battle, in this Psalm his role is dwarfed by the idea that this is God's fight, and God alone will bring peace and salvation. 

The other thing that stands out to me about this Psalm is how in this time of prayer, David maintains an eternal perspective.  Verses 9 and 10 clarify that David puts no confidence in his possessions or his power or his status.  Hoping for these things to bring salvation is futility.  "Do not set your hearts on them."  God alone is the source of all power and love, the hope for our salvation.

I don't know what battles you are fighting today, but I know that we are invited to wait in silence, to rest on God, our Savior.  He alone is our hope that peace, love, joy are coming.


Though the wind blows, the lightning flashes hot, and the thunder shakes the ground, plant our feet firmly on you.  Ground us in the love and resurrection of Jesus Christ who is our hope.  Give us faith so that we can wait on you and rest in you in the middle of the fights we're in.  May you find us faithful.  In the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Daily Prayer


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