Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Weekly Prayer: That They May Be One

Opening Prayer:

Dear Jesus, I finally made it here to be with you in these moments.  Speak to my heart and soul.  Fill me where I am hungry.  Be living water to my thirsty soul that my life might be changed, might be filled to overflowing with your love.  Speak, I'm listening.

Titus 3: 1-11

Toward the end of his life, Jesus prays in the gospel of John that God will help all of his followers be unified in their life and mission so that the world may know that they are his followers.  Unity of spirit, purpose, and action are important to Jesus since we Christians are to represent his Kingdom on the earth. 

Titus encourages us to "avoid foolish controversies...and arguments." He doesn't say avoid all controversies and conflicts.  In fact, he tells us to enter conflict by holding our fellow believers who are being divisive accountable, warning them twice before we stop relating to them.  This may come as a shock to those of us who thought Christians were always supposed to be nice!  But Jesus said that we are to love our neighbors, each other, and our enemies, not be nice to them.  Love and accountability go together.

I often struggle between avoiding the conflict of holding others accountable and being too harsh when holding others accountable.  The writer of Ephesians gets it right when he instructs us to "speak the truth in love."  When we tell each other the truth because we want each other to be as close to Jesus as possible, we love.  Cross-shaped love holds accountable and forgives.  It holds us together in unity, our common goal being to deepen our lives and other's lives in Jesus Christ.

Life Questions:

Who do I need to lovingly hold accountable at home, at church, at work, in my neighborhood?

Closing Prayer:

Merciful Lord, give me the grace to love others as you love me. I want to see everyone reconciled and brought to unity through your cross!  Give me courage and love in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Daily Prayer



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