Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Know Your Why!

I spent Sunday and Monday at a "Resupply:  Passionate Leadership" conference in Winter Park, Florida.  There I was inspired to think about my "why."  Bishop Dick Wills shared that, even if you know what and how to do something, even if you are really good at it, without knowing why, you will eventually shrivel up and quit.  What motivates you?  What are you passionate about?  What is your "why?" 

Luke 4: 14-20 shows Jesus beginning his ministry to God's chosen representatives, the Jews.  He carefully unfurls the scroll in the sacred quiet of the synagogue and reads about God's Spirit giving him his why.  He is to bring good news to the poor, sight to the blind, release to captives, and freedom to the oppressed.  Furthermore he is to tell all he meets that God is pouring out blessings upon them!  Why did God take on human flesh and emotion?  Why did he grow and love and walk and teach and lead and risk irritating people who thought they had it all figured out?  Why did he continue to show and tell people about his Kingdom even when he faced execution?  Why did he then rise from the dead and ask his followers to keep confronting a sick world with his healthy Kingdom?  Jesus' why was to bring sight, good news, freedom, and blessing!

So what's your why?  What passion has God given you?  I know a woman whose passion is to make things beautiful through decoration.  I know a man whose passion is to share Jesus with others.  I know a person who loves to bring joy to the world through the art of cooking.  I know others whose great joy is bringing healing through therapy and medicine. 

So many people spend the precious few days they are given to live knowing what to do and how to do the what, but starving because they don't know why.  Pray about it.  Search your heart and the heart of God.  Ask God's Spirit to fill you and show you why you are here.  The world will be a brighter place because of you!

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